Man Starts Rubbing Toothpaste All Over His Car Lights. The Reason Why Will Surprise You

Epoch Newsroom

There’s lots of car maintenance tips and hacks out there, but most of them are unknown to the general population.

This one’s so easy, though, that just about anyone can do it.

All you need is some toothpaste, a bottle of warm water, some paper towels, and a bit of wax.

The technique clears up dirty headlights, which reduce light output and can be dangerous in some types of situations.

Keep in mind, however, that the cleaning will only work if your headlights are pitted and not smooth on the outside.

Start by rubbing toothpaste onto the headlight with your hands, a toothbrush, or another tool.

The paste should begin to turn yellow as the toothpaste begins to remove the dirt and grime.

Grab the bottle of water and spray the light, then rub it off with a paper towel while applying some pressure to buff it.

Finish off the job by putting on a bit of wax, which will stop the light from turning yellow again too soon.