Man Shot Was Not Chinese Serial Killer, Say Police

Chinese authorities say they killed the serial killer Zhou Kehua on Aug. 14 in Chongqing, but police from a neighboring province say it was actually their colleague who was killed.
Man Shot Was Not Chinese Serial Killer, Say Police
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On Aug. 14 Chinese authorities announced that they had put an end to the bloody rampage of Zhou Kehua, a former mercenary turned serial killer whose periodic rampages, consisting of robbery and murder, lasted eight years until he was shot dead. 

But a recent open letter says that Zhou Kehua was not actually the one killed on Aug. 14. Instead, it was a police officer that looked like him, Fang Bin.

Now, police from Changsha, a city in the central Hunan Province, where Fang Bin is from, are trying to set the record straight by secretly traveling to Internet cafes and posting their complaints, along with alleged evidence, online, exposing what they describe as the fabricated case.

The open letter, posted online by Zhang Guoyong, the general manager of Qingdao News, Weihai Branch, purports to be from a police officer from Changsha, accusing the Chongqing police of shooting his colleague instead of the serial killer. Chongqing is one province to the West of Hunan.

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