Man Serenades Wife With Alzheimer’s Through Nursing Home Window Amid CCP Virus Restrictions

Man Serenades Wife With Alzheimer’s Through Nursing Home Window Amid CCP Virus Restrictions
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

For an 80-year-old Alabama man, nothing in this world can keep him apart from his wife, who has Alzheimer’s, and this includes even the current situation with the CCP virus.

Ann Kline, 80, who has been battling Alzheimer’s for the last 17 years, is a resident of John Knox Manor nursing home in Montgomery. With the current restrictions due to the pandemic, her husband, John, didn’t want her to forget him and thus has been singing every day through the screen window for 15 minutes.

The Epoch Times refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the CCP’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.
As per USA Today, John, a distinguished professor at Troy University, would visit his wife of 45 years every day in the late afternoon and spend time with her. The loving husband would stay until his wife would fall to bed and come back the next day. However, when statewide restrictions were issued in Alabama due to the outbreak, John had to change his routine.
The governor’s office released a batch of new restrictions on March 19, 2020, attempting to contain the spread of the virus, stating that “all Hospitals and Nursing Home/Long Term Care Facilities (including Assisted Living and Specialty Care Assisted Living Facilities) shall prohibit visitation of all visitors and non-essential health care personnel, except for certain compassionate care situations such as maternity and end-of-life.”
Though John knew the restrictions were in place to support those who were critically vulnerable, he didn’t stop showing up; instead, with the help of the facility administrator, Terri Howell, he came up with a unique idea to continue supporting his wife while following social distancing as per WSFA.
John posted a heartwarming video on Facebook of himself and his wife singing “Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World” and “Amazing Grace” on opposite sides of her window. He wrote: “Through a Pane—not a Pain. No visitors to John Knox Manor Nursing Home. Not my best singing—so you probably won’t want to listen. I cut it off at 45 seconds.”

He further added: “I love my Sweet Ann and look forward to spending eternity with her. God bless you for even looking—and if you listened, well that was because you wanted to hear Ann.”

John’s touching act has been shared 1,700 times. Among the commenters on Facebook, many were people from the Montgomery area, and some were former students of Troy University who could attest to John’s kindness on and off the job.

One social media user noted how much John and his wife had boosted everyone’s morale with their simple duet. “Thanks again, Dr Kline! I listened. I loved every second. What beautiful God given voices! What an inspiration. Keeping singing. Keep a song in your heart. We all love what you are doing.”

John further emphasized his belief in the words “’til death do us part,” inscribed in the couple’s decades-old marriage vows, to the Montogomery Advertiser. “I’m trying to make the statement that no matter what happens, there’s no reason to give up on love,” he explained. “If she gets where she doesn’t know me, I will still go see her, because I will still know her.”

As his wife’s awareness of the world around her has been diminished by Alzheimer’s, John has found that music is one way he can still connect. For him and his wife, songs they sang at church have been one of the best ways to connect. Speaking of Alzheimer’s patients, he noted “[w]hether they can sing or not, they can remember the old hymns and those 1950s songs.”

He added that many with Alzheimer’s who have lost the power of speech are still able to respond to music.

John’s touching act has put a bright spot for many people in a world of uncertainty and confusion. He hopes that others will follow his act and stay in touch with their loved ones, especially the elderly ones. “If they can use technology, use a cell phone. Call them, they have an old land line,” he said. “If they have an iPhone, Facetime them. I want people to know to stay in contact.”

As the bittersweet 46-second video continues to warm more hearts, their love for each other represents John’s perseverance and dedication during these unprecedented times.