Man Rents Manhattan Apartment for $10 a Month (Video)

A median apartment in the West Village usually fetches several thousands of dollar per month in rent, but one clever guy managed to sign a lease for $10-a-month.

A median apartment in the West Village usually fetches several thousands of dollar per month in rent, but one clever guy managed to sign a lease for $10-a-month.

In 2009, Judd Parker was able to convince his 70 year old landlord to sign a lease agreement for $10 a month for 50 years. The two bedroom duplex with a backyard would normally be worth several hundred times as much. Not long afterwards she passed away, and a new owner purchased the building for $3 million. The new landlord discovered the $10 per month rent payment and was not very pleased with the old lease agreement. She is suing the tenant after doing some research, claiming that the previous elderly landlord suffered from dementia, and that he tricked the elderly lady into signing the ridiculously low rent, long term lease. Parker has not lived in the apartment very much since his sneaky deal, as he has been subletting the apartment for $2500.