Man Distracted by His Phone Doesn’t Notice Whale

Man Distracted by His Phone Doesn’t Notice Whale
Epoch Newsroom

Photographer Eric Smith was taking pictures near the Redondo Beach pier in California when he spotted one of those ultra-breathtaking sights--a humpback whale and her calf swimming in the water.

It’s the type of sight many people pay for the opportunity to witness.

While checking his pictures on his camera, Smith then noticed a curious scene--a man in the background of his photographs staring at his smartphone, oblivious to the breathtaking sight happening just feet from his boat.

It’s shocking at first, but not all that surprising when you take into account the science. The average person checks his or her phone dozens of times a day, and most people nowadays feel a little lost if they’ve left their phone at work or at home and are out and about without it.

What’s your reaction to the picture and the whole so-called “smartphone addiction”?