Malaysian Secondary School Test Results Best in 4 Years

Results reveal a narrowing gap between candidates in rural areas and urban centers.
Malaysian Secondary School Test Results Best in 4 Years

The results of the Malaysian Lower Secondary School Assessment Examination (PMR), released on December 23, are the best in four years.

30,863 of 439,456 PMR candidates attained straight As compared to 28,188 of 442,721 candidates last year; National Average Grade has increased from 2.78 last year (the smaller number the better); and candidates who obtained grade E in any of their subjects has dropped from 397 to 386.

“This year, the overall achievement in 16 subjects, judging from the all As scorers, minimum D passes and national average grade (GPN), is the best compared to the last four years,” Education director-general Datuk Abdul Ghafar Mahmud told Bernama.

The results also reveal a narrowing gap between candidates in rural areas and those in urban centers. Rural students recorded a better GPN at 2.93 compared to the 2.65 of the urban candidates; the percentage of straight A scorers in rural areas has risen by 0.72 percent while in urban areas it increased by 0.55 percent and 93,101 students from the rural areas recorded achievement beyond minimum level (A, B, C, D) compared to 87,936 last year.

Yet the overall achievement of 1,345 candidates with disabilities dropped compared to last year although more special candidates were taking the exam this year. Out of these students, five obtained straight As compared to seven last year, and 146 of them recorded achievement beyond minimum level compared to 161 last year.

A significant rise in subject average grade was reflected in six subjects: Malay, English, Arabic, mathematics, science and agriculture. Scores for the subjects revealed 27.6 percent of the candidates attained A in the Malay language compared to 25.6 percent last year; 17.6 percent in English compared to 16.1 percent last year; 28.9 percent in mathematics compared to 26.7 per cent last year and 21.7 percent in science compared to 18.5 per cent last year.

In the arts, which were introduced in the PMR examination last year, with these subjects being taught in Seni Johor Baru School and Seni Kuching School, the percentage of candidates achieving Band 4 is highest in dance, followed by theatre, music and visual arts.

In Sarawak, Head of Examinations and Evaluation of Sarawak Education Department Mr Su told The Epoch Times that the number of students passed all subjects is 25,287 (65.36 percent) compared to 24,787 (62.29 percent) last year.

There were six schools who recorded 100 percent passes in Sarawak which was topped by Sekolah Menengah Sains Miri with its GPN at 1.10. The number of straight A scorers has also risen to 1,877 compared to 1,860 last year.

In Seremban, education director at Negeri Seremban Abdul Halim Abdul Razak said the number of students who passed all subjects rose by 0.62 percent compared to last year – the best results in three years. There were 131 students scored nine As while 1521 scored eight and 450 scored seven.

Johor Education department director Markom Giran said 15 schools recorded 100% passes and said a higher number of students recorded passes, according to reports from Star Online.

He said 3,575 students in the state obtained straight As in this year’s examinations – an increase of 267 students compared to last year.

In Penang state, a total of 2,103 students scored straight As out of 22,418 who sat for the examination, State Education Department director Ibrahim Mohamad said.

In Malacca state, State Education Department director Juliah Leman said 1,137 students scored straight As with a 0.66 percent increase compared to 1074 students last year.


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