Malaysia Airlines Missing Flight MH370: Rumors, Speculations, Theories, Hoaxes

Freescale Semiconductor Employees Behind Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane? Why Are Passengers Cell Phones Ringing? MH370 Not First Plane to Vanish
Malaysia Airlines Missing Flight MH370: Rumors, Speculations, Theories, Hoaxes
Malaysian well-known shaman Ibrahim Mat Zin, center, uses spiritual methods and prayers to locate the missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, Malaysia, Wednesday, March 12, 2014. The missing Malaysian jetliner may have attempted to turn back before it vanished from radar, but there is no evidence it reached the Strait of Malacca, Malaysia's air force chief said Wednesday, denying reported remarks he said otherwise. The statement suggested continued confusion over where the Boeing 777 might have ended up, more than four days after it disappeared en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 people on board. (AP Photo/Lai Seng Sin)

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More updates to follow.


Malaysia Airlines: Boeing 777 ‘Lose Yourself on Journey’ Ad is Fake

An advertisement that purports to be from Malaysia Airlines, saying “lose yourself on a journey of epic proportions,” isn’t real.


Malaysia Flight MH 370: Conspiracy Says AWACS Plane ‘Hijacked’ it; Later ‘Taken Down by Fed’

A report on a conspiracy website is claiming that Malaysia Flight MH 370, which disappeared over the South China Sea a week ago, was hijacked by an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane, which “shut down” the plane’s transponder.


‘Malaysia Airlines Expands Investigation To Include General Scope Of Space, Time’ is Satire

A satire article from The Onion is saying that officials with Malaysia Airlines is expanding its search of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 a week ago to “the overarching scope of space, time, and humankind’s place in the universe.”


‘Malaysian Plane Crash Is Found’ Video is Scam; No ‘Vietnam Sea’ Footage of Flight MH 370

A post that’s gone viral on Facebook claiming there’s “breaking news” that the “Malaysian Plane Crash Is FOUND” is just a scam spreading malware.


‘Did the Mossad Blow Up the Malaysian Airlines Jet’ Article on Hoax Website Viral

A website is claiming that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, blew up Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, but it’s a hoax.

‘Malaysia Airlines Expands Investigation To Include General Scope Of Space, Time’ is Satire

A satire article from The Onion is saying that officials with Malaysia Airlines is expanding its search of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 a week ago to “the overarching scope of space, time, and humankind’s place in the universe.”


Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370: ‘Plane Found in Bermuda Triangle! Passengers Alive’ Video is a Scam

A viral Facebook post is claiming there’s video footage of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 in the Bermuda Triangle and that passengers are alive, but it’s just a clickjacking scam.


‘Did the Mossad Blow Up the Malaysian Airlines Jet’ Article on Hoax Website Goes Viral

A website is essentially claiming that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, blew up Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, but it’s a hoax.


Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Crash Photo, Video Are Fake

A photo that is being shared on Facebook and Twitter claims to show the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which is fake.


‘Did Aliens [UFOs] Abduct Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?’ is From a Satire Site

An article claiming that “aliens” likely abducted Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 when it disappeared Friday night was published on a satire site.



Freescale Semiconductor: 20 Employees on Board Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane

Freescale Semiconductor confirmed that it had 20 employees on board missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.


Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370: UFO, Aliens Conspiracy Theories Emerge After Plane Disappearance

Some people–including UFO investigative organizations–are looking into suggestions that UFOs or extraterrestrials have abducted Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370, which disappeared last week without a trace.


Google Maps: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Hasn’t Been Found; Google Says Maps, Street View Won’t Find Plane

Google said not to rely on Google Maps to search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the plane that disappeared leaving Kuala Lumpur on Friday.


Malaysia Airlines Missing Flight MH370: Malay Shaman ‘Helps’ Rescuers, Makes Prediction

A Malay shaman (bomoh) showed up at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on Wednesday, Mar. 12, to assist the search and rescue parties by driving away “bad spirits.”


Flaw in B777 Fuselage, Why Passengers Cell Phones Ringing: Missing Malaysia Airlines Conspiracy Theory

Slow decompression caused by a flaw in the Boeing 777 fuselage could have knocked out the crew and passengers of MH370, and the availability of cellular communication hardware allowed passengers cell phones to ring, according to a post on Tumblr.


Freescale Semiconductor Employees Behind Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane? One of Conspiracy Theories

The fact that the employees were on board has sparked one of the many conspiracy theories associated with the plane vanishing, which is that there was electronic weaponry on board.


Malaysia Airlines Missing Flight MH370 Conspiracy Theory: Why Are Passengers Cell Phones Ringing?

The phones of some of the passengers on missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 are reportedly ringing, prompting some to claim that a conspiracy was behind the disappearance of the plane.


Malaysia Airlines Missing Flight MH370 Not First Plane to Vanish, Here Are 9 More

If the search for the Boeing 777-200ER aircraft yields no further results, it won’t be the first time in history a passenger plane has vanished from existence with little or no trace.



Fariq Abdul Hamid, Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight Co-Pilot, May Have Hijacked Plane: Chinese Blog

The latest speculation on the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is that co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid hijacked the plane.


Malacca Strait: Life Raft From Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight Found?

In the Malacca Strait, a life raft was found that could have come from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.


Malaysia Airlines Route Map: Updated Scenario Has Plane Turning Back to Malacca Strait

The updated Malaysia Airlines route map has the plane inexplicably turning around mid-flight and going further west than the Kuala Lumpur International Airport–which it took off from–bringing more questions than answers.



Jonti Roos Says She and Friend Visited Malaysia Airlines Cockpit During 2011 Flight

Malaysia Airlines says it is investigating an Australia television report that the co-pilot on its missing flight had invited two women to stay in the cockpit for the duration of a flight two years ago.