Mainland Blog Population Expected to Reach 100 Million by Next Year

Mainland Blog Population Expected to Reach 100 Million by Next Year
Local people surf the Internet in Chengdu city, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Liu Jin/AFP/Getty Images

The Internet might be tightly controlled in China, but it still cannot block the surge of weblogs (or ‘blogs’). Blogs are a form of online media that generally focus on a particular subject, such as local events or politics, or they can serve as a personal online diary.

With over 110 million Internet users, China is the second largest Internet market in the world after the U.S., according to a report from Reuters.

Statistics from, China’s search engine company, show that there are currently over 36,820,000 blogs in China with at least 16 million users. Beijing Tsinghua University research predicts the number of users will go up to 60 million by the end of this year, and reach 100 million by 2007.

Though the blog surge is on the rise in mainland China, until now, not a single blog service provider has made any profit from hosting the blogs.

Edited by The Epoch Times