Magician Proposes to His Girlfriend With Alphabet Spaghetti Trick

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A marriage proposal is a big deal. Women dream of the event, it’s one of the top five things a woman has mentally planned before they ever even find the one. They go through dozens of scenarios and dream of an elaborate surprise that will leave them crying and saying, “yes”. This puts a huge weight on the shoulders of those who are expected to make proposals.

But for a magician, he planned a memorable proposal that his girlfriend wasn’t going to ever be able to forget and would always hold as a dear memory by utilizing a skill that he has.

He calls his girlfriend to the stage halfway through one of his acts. An act in which he has swallowed a long piece of noodle and as he begins to the pull the noodle back out of his mouth, his girlfriend reads the letters, she gets to about “M-A-R-R” before realizing that he is asking her to marry him.

The trick isn’t over.

He then gets on one knee, a traditional way to propose and pulls out a piece paper. He lights the paper on fire and with a quick flick of his wrist, the paper is extinguished and gone and in his hand resides the jewelry box. In her glee, she happily accepts.

Credit: Newsflare

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