Life Sentence for Two 15-Year-Olds in Brutal Murder, Torture in UK

Life Sentence for Two 15-Year-Olds in Brutal Murder, Torture in UK
Petr Svab

Two 15-year-old UK girls received life in prison with 15 years minimum sentence for the murder and torture of a 39-year-old woman on April 7.

Angela Wrightson was found dead in December 2014 with over 100 injuries to her body inflicted by two girls aged 13 and 14 at the time.

Though Wrightson had a drinking problem, she was “kind, house-proud and lonely. She'd invite anyone in for company,” said The Hon Mr Justice Globe after the sentencing, according to BBC.

[Wrightson's mother was] disgusted by the laughing and giggling and sharing of photographs during the time of and immediately after the attack.
Sir Henry Brian Globe, judge, High Court of England.

The judge described to the girls the reactions of Wrightson’s mother, Maureen:

“She cannot understand how you could have been as violent as you were. She is not alone in that view,” he said. “She had been disgusted by the laughing and giggling and sharing of photographs during the time of and immediately after the attack.”

The girls can’t be released earlier than after 15 years in prison. After that, they will continue to serve the life sentences if they are considered a threat to public.

Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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