Family Sees News of Baby Abandoned at Clinic and Gets a Call to Adopt Him: ‘He Was Ours’

Family Sees News of Baby Abandoned at Clinic and Gets a Call to Adopt Him: ‘He Was Ours’
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
From the archives: This story was last updated in March 2019.
When a woman in Oklahoma learned of an abandoned baby on the news, she asked her husband if he thought the baby was theirs, as they had arranged to adopt. “I doubt it,” was his reply. Little did they know what was going to happen when they were told to go to the adoption agency as soon as possible.

In November 2014, Amy and Todd were planning to go to the lake for Thanksgiving after moving to Tulsa from Pittsburgh the month prior when they got a call from the adoption agency. They were told to go to the agency straight away.

Amy decided to go alone and leave Todd and their children to the packing. Before she left, Todd told her that he saw a news report about a baby boy who was dropped off at a local care facility with his umbilical cord still attached because his mom was homeless and couldn’t care for him.

“That is the saddest thing ever. Do you think that is our baby?” Amy asked Todd.

“I doubt it. He’s probably pretty sick,” Todd replied.

But a surprise was awaiting Amy when she reached the agency.

The staff at the agency showed her a news report of the baby that Todd had told her about and said: “You don’t have more paperwork to sign. He’s waiting for you in the NICU. He’s yours.”

“There are no words to describe all the emotions I felt at that moment,” Amy wrote in her story, as reported by Love What Matters.
“Oh, he was ours. The moment I saw him, I knew he was ours, yes ... definitely,” Amy told News On 6.

“The way things came together with timing is, couldn’t be called anything but a God thing,” Todd added.

One year later, Amy and Todd officially adopted the baby, named “W,” on Nov. 11, 2016, and also celebrated him becoming a “Wild One” with their tribe.

The couple said that W’s story had helped many children who needed to be fostered.

“His story’s already helped so many that we don’t even know,” Todd said.

Apparently, when other expecting mothers who couldn’t care for their babies heard of W’s story, they left their newborns in the care of the law.

Under Oklahoma’s Safe Haven Law, birth mothers are allowed to leave their newborn at a fire station, police department, or a hospital without being prosecuted.

The couple already has seven children. Amy told PEOPLE that W is the perfect addition to their family.

“We call him the little tornado. He is just a spunky little dude,” she said. “He’s full of life and happy. He’s a really healthy, happy little boy. He’s done very well for his beginnings.”

She is also grateful to W’s biological mother.

“I’m just thankful for her. She gave us a perfect gift,” Amy said. “He’s been a very big blessing to our family.”

More updates of W can be found on the Facebook page Through My Eyes.