Kevin Love, one of the new Cleveland Cavaliers stars, has been linked to several women over the past couple months, including Elise Novak and Cody Horn.
The information isn’t exactly reliable but blogs Fab Wags and Player Wives have featured some of the reports on Novak and Horn.
Novak was a cheerleader and member of the dance team at UCLA, where she met Love.
“The relationship has continued through his career in Minnesota where he frequently flies her out to see him,” according to Player Wives.
Novak was actually profiled in Sports Illustrated in 2008 and she said that she enjoys physics and golfing besides dancing and medical work.
After graduation she became a manager at REM Sleep Labs, “where she is in charge of educating and advising physicians and staff on sleep testing and the importance of prescribing CPAP equipment for patients with respiratory sleep disturbances, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Fab Wags said.
A number of reports, though, indicate that Love may have moved on from Novak. In fact, it appears that she’s married as of March 2014.

His new love interest could be Horn, an actress who has appeared in television shows and movies including Magic Mike, Rescue Me, and The Office.
Marie Claire says that she considers herself “old school,” or not very into social media.
Her favorite designers and brands include Stronghold Jeans and Dolce & Gabbanna, and she has fun with style now.
“I’m having fun playing with clothes now,” she said. “I didn’t used to appreciate the clothes as much when I was modeling. It was a job.”