Keeping your Information Safe Online

Keeping your Information Safe Online
Veronica Davis

Online security has become a huge problem over the years. Hackers are getting smarter and information is being leaked more often. One of the latest attacks was to the popular app Snapchat, a program in which you can send photos and videos to others without the data saving to yours or their device. Many people have relied on Snapchat for sending sensitive material knowing that the information is not going to be saved anywhere online. Unfortunately, it was uncovered by the company that your snaps don’t disappear and that in fact, a third party has actually been saving copies of the messages that have been sent in recent times. The good news is that there are better and more secure ways to send and receive information online rather than relying on Snapchat. Here are some secure methods you should be using.

Silent Circle

Silent Circle is an app that allows subscribers to keep phone calls, texts and video chats secure when used with another Silent Circle member. Everything is secured and encrypted. Your texts will be encrypted and the app will destroy the message after they are read. During phone calls, you can swipe to switch it to a video and you can securely add more members to your secure call. With this app, you can have security on your phone or desktop with your calls, video, text and file transfers.


Similar to Snapchat, Clipchat allows you to send and receive five-second videos and photos that disappear after viewed. This is much more secure than Snapchat.


There is a program called Criptext that is perfect for those needing enterprise level protections. Criptext secure messaging is a program that protects your information from leaking by offering secure emails and text message options. You can use Criptext to have your text messages self-destruct 15 seconds after opened and your emails can self-destruct 45 seconds after the recipient has opened it. The program will delete the information from your phone and the Criptext server.


If you have files stored in the cloud, you can temporarily share them through Wickr. Wickr also works to temporarily share photos, videos and texts. It claims to have encryption quality as high in security as what the military would use.

Mobile Vault

Mobile Vault is a great way to protect and encrypt your data from your device. The app creates a private password-protected area on your Android device, iPhone or iPad to store your encrypted videos, texts, contacts and pictures.

Email Encryption

With programs like Thunderbird and Postbox, you can now encrypt your emails with most webmail providers. This basically makes your messages look like garbled text to parties that weren’t sent the message. It also ensures your addresses, photos, credit card numbers and any other sensitive information is unable to be seen by anyone other than the recipient.

In today’s world, security threats are regularly the topic of conversation among individuals and businesses. Take these precautions to ensure your emails, text messages and other sensitive information being passed around is secure.

Veronica is a wife and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys. She has been a freelance writer for over fiver years, and has since ventured into many areas of working online and marketing online. She loves being in the kitchen, discovering new dishes the family loves and hopes to go to culinary school some day. A former Marine and ex-whitewater rafting guide, she loves the outdoors and sports.
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