Jonathan Metz Cuts Own Arm Off in Attempt to Survive

Thirty-one-year-old Jonathan Metz had his arm accidentally trapped inbetween two heating fans of a furnace at his workplace in West Hartford, Connecticut.
Jonathan Metz Cuts Own Arm Off in Attempt to Survive
Thirty-one-year-old Jonathan Metz had his arm accidentally trapped inbetween two heating fans of a furnace at his workplace in West Hartford, Connecticut. After hours of struggling and screaming for help, he moved on to amputate his arm in order to get out of the furnace and survive.

Soon after getting trapped, Metz found his arm extremely sweaty. Uncountable attempts of pulling back only made it worse. After 18 hours of panic, he decided to take action. Fashioning a tourniquet from his shirt, the man started the cutting. However the pain was too much for him to continue when he was half way through. Metz then slowly lost consciousness.

Knowing that he has been missing for three days, Metz’s friends reported the police who found him soon after. He was carried to Saint Francis Hospital in his hometown, where he received intensive medical treatment.

A staff member from the hospital told The Epoch Times that Metz has been released, and is in good mental condition. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reattachment his arm because of infection.
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