Arina Grossu, Co-founder of the Jericho March:
“I’m here today because I had a vision of this happening right here behind us. I had a vision of people coming out to pray all around their state capitals and the streets because they want election truth. And they want to fight election fraud and corruption, and that they want justice to come out. And so Jericho March is about people coming and praying in their own way, in diverse ways. Judeo-Christians coming together and expressing their plea to God for truth to come out, because we know this is a battle not just on a temporal level. But this is a spiritual battle, because we’re not just battling with flesh and blood, but spiritual forces too. And I think that, that the American people, we the people actually voted for President Donald Trump. And in this election, it was stolen from him. And we know the truth. So we’re on the streets praying and asking and begging God to reveal all the corruption, all the fraud, because we want the truth and we the people do not want socialism, do not want globalism. We want freedom and people died, our people died to preserve freedom, and our republic. And so we’re fighting for our republic right now.”“My family was from Romania, which was a communist country. So we know all about the media covering up the truth and censoring people. And we came here for freedom. We came here because we love what America stands for. And we want to make sure that America doesn’t go into that way, because it'll ruin it, just like it’s ruined every other country. And so when the big tech and big media get together and are silencing our voices, we have to go to the streets. And we have to create new platforms like Parler, and Newsmax, and other platforms to allow people to express their true beliefs and not be scared into submission, because they tell us what they want us to believe. And because that is not true democracy, that is not a true republic, and we are a republic.”
This video is part of our special series ‘What Voters Say.’ To watch more videos click here.
From NTD News