Israel Cracks Down on Jewish Extremists With New Arrests

Israel intensified its crackdown on Jewish extremists Sunday, jailing two high-profile radicals for six months without charge and arresting additional suspects in West Bank settlement outposts, Israeli security authorities said.
Israel Cracks Down on Jewish Extremists With New Arrests
In this Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015 photo, Palestinian villagers stand guard at the entrance of the West Bank village of al-Jab'a, near Bethlehem. The Residents of the village formed groups of defense volunteers to guard themselves from attacks of Israeli settlers. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)
The Associated Press

JERUSALEM— Israel intensified its crackdown on Jewish extremists Sunday, jailing two high-profile radicals for six months without charge and arresting additional suspects in West Bank settlement outposts, Israeli security authorities said.

The crackdown comes after a deadly July 31 firebomb attack on a Palestinian home in the West Bank that killed an 18-month-old boy and severely wounded his parents and brother. The boy’s father died of his wounds Saturday.

Authorities called the arson attack an act of “Jewish terrorism,” and Israel’s Security Cabinet approved the use of harsh measures to combat the trend, including administrative detention, which allows Israel to hold suspects for lengthy periods without charge. The measure has been mainly used against Palestinians suspected of plotting attacks.

Meir Ettinger, the grandson of the late U.S.-born ultranationalist Rabbi Meir Kahane, and Eviatar Slonim, another Jewish extremist, were placed under administrative detention Sunday for their suspected involvement in an extremist Jewish organization, the office of Israel’s Defense Minister said.

The two, who are in their early 20s, were arrested last week. Another suspected Jewish extremist, Mordechai Mayer, was placed under six-month administrative detention last week.

Israeli human rights activists who advocate on behalf of Palestinians, as well as lawyers for the Israeli suspects, criticized the use of administrative detention, portraying it as a draconian measure intended to appease an Israeli public shocked at the firebomb attack.

Israel’s Shin Bet security agency has accused Ettinger of leading an extremist Jewish movement responsible for encouraging attacks on Palestinian property and Christian holy sites, including an arson attack on a well-known church near the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel that marks the New Testament story of the miracle of the loaves and fish.

In late July, Israel arrested five young Israelis in connection with the arson attack, including Mayer.

Israeli authorities also carried out arrest raids Sunday in two West Bank settlement outposts. Israeli police spokeswoman Luba Samri would not say whether the arrests were linked to the arson attack. The arrests, carried out by a nationalist crime unit, were connected to “a number of events that occurred recently” in the West Bank, she said.

Authorities said one of the raided outposts was Adei Ad. In January, Jewish settlers near Adei Ad threw stones at U.S. consular vehicles carrying American officials who were visiting the area.

Authorities would not name the other outpost raided, but Israeli media identified it as the Baladim outpost. Both outposts — small, isolated Jewish settlements built without government authorization — are located in an area known for its hard-line settler population.