ISIS Executes 15 of Its Own Near Raqqa, Syria for ‘Spying’ on Leader

ISIS Executes 15 of Its Own Near Raqqa, Syria for ‘Spying’ on Leader
An ISIS member in a propaganda shot released by the terrorist group. (ISIS)

ISIS has killed 15 of its members in a mass execution for allegedly “spying,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on April 3.

The killings came after 35 members were arrested on April 2 in Raqqa, Syria, according to Britain-based SOHR, which claims it monitors the five-year-old Syrian conflict through a network of sources on the ground.

The massacre is the largest that a terror group has carried out on its own members.

The members were allegedly killed in connection with the assassination of senior ISIS figure Abu Hija al-Tunisi, who was killed on March 31 in an airstrike, the Observatory said.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the massacre is the largest that a terror group has carried out on its own members, reported Mirror.

The SOHR said the 15 military commanders were killed in countryside near Raqqa for “espionage and corruption on Earth” and “impersonating al-Hisba (ISIS religious police) members.”