Is Google Still the Best Search Engine Out There?

Google is no longer the only horse in town. There are several other search engine alternatives out there, each of them with their own benefits, yet they all basically do the same thing. Is Google still the best one to use?
Is Google Still the Best Search Engine Out There?
Time for an unbundling?

Google is no longer the only horse in town. There are several other search engine alternatives out there, each of them with their own benefits, yet they all basically do the same thing. Is Google still the best one to use?

Google is usually the easiest search engine to access. It’s the default search engine for many browsers, although Firefox has recently announced that it’s going to switch to Yahoo!

So don’t count Yahoo! out yet; they appear to be making a comeback. Bing made a big splash several years ago, and has become the default search engine for iOS’s Safari. DuckDuckGo is the new (or not so new anymore) kid on the block and is great if you want to do some private browsing and searching.

But are these search engines better than Google? Part of the beauty of Google is that it connects with all of its other services, and that’s something you miss out on by using the other search engines. But that is also its cons as it attempts to access to everything you stored on their server, leaving you with no privacy.

What do you think? Is Google still the best search engine? Leave a comment below!

Republished with permission from MakeTechEasier. Read the original

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