Iran Arrests 8 Models for ‘Un-Islamic Act’ of Not Wearing Headscarves in Online Photos

A leading Iranian model had to publicly criticize herself for “promoting western promiscuity” by posting pictures of herself without a headscarf on social media, and was among the eight models arrested for the offense.
Iran Arrests 8 Models for ‘Un-Islamic Act’ of Not Wearing Headscarves in Online Photos
Jonathan Zhou

“The purpose of Operation Spider 2, which was launched two years ago, is to monitor the use of social media by the Western imperialist powers to change the Iranian-Islamic life-style of our nation,” said Javad Babay, head of the cyber-crimes court. 

Golrokh, who also works as a makeup artist, has left the country and is now based in Dubai. 

“Unfortunately for the moment I will not be active in Iran, but I will continue my work outside Iran,” Golrokh said. “Thanks for your support and your positive energy. I love you.”

Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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