China Uncensored: Interview with Canada’s Most Dangerous Beauty Queen

Watch Chris Chappell grill Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin on how she is undermining China’s harmonious society.

Join me, Chris Chappell, as I sit down with beauty queen and actually-uses-her-fame-for-good activist, Anastasia Lin. She is Miss World Canada 2015 and 2016.

To make things more interesting, my favorite state-run media jumped into the fray. As Global Times wrote, Anastasia Lin is “tangled with hostile forces against China.” That is accurate. Because really, isn’t anyone who speaks publicly against the Chinese Communist Party a hostile force? In fact, just by coming on China Uncensored, she is clearly showing her total disregard for “the feelings of the Chinese people.”

And just to make sure Anastasia Lin knows it, the Chinese Communist Party threatened her family in China.

Watch Chris Chappell grill Anastasia Lin on how she is undermining China’s harmonious society. She'll also talk about her dangerous and subversive upcoming film, The Bleeding Edge.