Infographics are effective visual tools and help businesses gain exposure

Infographics are effective visual tools and help businesses gain exposure
Anthony Carranza

There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words and that is increasingly true in today’s internet age. Good visual graphics are those that take massive amounts of data and illuminate clear patterns that may not be so obvious easy to understand. The other inherent quality about infographics is when they have a clear focus, when the designer removes extraneous details you see the message in a transparent fashion.

So what makes infographics so powerful and essential? According to a infographic published Sept. 25, 2014, there are a handful of reasons as to why a visual presentation of data drives up engagement, exposure and traffic to your company’s website.

According to the Market Domination Media graphic these are the factors of why visual data is so engaging:

  • 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual
  • Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text
  • 40 percent of people will respond better to visual information
  • 93 percent of all human communication is nonverbal

Another way text becomes so emotionally transformational and powerful when combined with a visual story is for instance in the usage of encouraging quotes. Business quotes used during PowerPoint presentation will be dull, boring and unfulfilling if they do not anchor any sort of image to them.

How many of us remember the many successful Keynote presentations of Steve Jobs and why did they work? As you may have started to answer the question perhaps you remember quite a few. When the iPod, iPhone and iPad was introduced for the first time their visual appeal and aesthetic had fans along with the media buzzing about these products.

Infographics tell a story clearly and allow the business to further experiment into the unknown. They simply work because they grow traffic by 12 percent faster than those who do not use them. Furthermore, they are great branding and marketing tools.

When did visualization of data really start to take off? Well the word “infographics” in Google Trends really started to grow exponentially in 2011 and it remains as an upward trend today. So if you are not a gifted designer reach out to one or take classes to get your feed wet with data visualizations.

Finally, take ample time to find how your business or brand fits within the realm of infographics. Secondly, find your voice or visual hook that resonates well with your followers. Make your infographics an unforgettable experience and remember the only way to do great work is to love what you do.  


Digital Media Journalist! Existing contributor for Examiner and Social Media Today with a track record for web news. A former freelance writer for CBS Local Minnesota. Writing and reporting on the latest social media happenings.
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