‘I'll Cut You Up’: Teen Threatens Supermarket Staff, Forced to Apologize When Dad Sees Him in Online Video

‘I'll Cut You Up’: Teen Threatens Supermarket Staff, Forced to Apologize When Dad Sees Him in Online Video
(Illustration - Daniel Jedzura/Shutterstock)

After a teen was filmed acting out and abusing an Asda supermarket worker in Gosport, Hampshire, his father made sure that the bad behavior didn’t go unchecked. The teen was forced to apologize to the worker he'd harassed, exhibiting a significant display of parent accountability during tough times.

A pair of teens went viral after a customer filmed them harassing supermarket staff at their local Asda, circling employees on their bikes and hurling insults.

“I’ll jump on his head fam, do you understand? I’ll cut you up,” one is heard saying, before they circle back and yell more profane insults in the direction of the paid workers.

“I’m going to come back here and [expletive] slice you up you little [expletive]!” the second one said, before telling a customer they looked “about 80” when the customer attempted to shame the pair into behaving better.

Thankfully, though, a customer who witnessed the deplorable actions took out their smartphone and filmed the encounter to be posted online. And when the video went viral, one of the two teens failed to get away with the act—because his own father saw the video, recognized his son, and marched him back to the store to apologize.

The father made sure not to let the apology get delivered in quiet, either. After bringing his son to the supermarket to apologize in person for his behavior, he posted the video on Facebook with a caption explaining how mortified he was and that he was allowing the local authorities to do what they wished with the video.

“For everyone who has seen a video of this boy threatening members of staff at Asda yesterday,” he wrote. “As a dad I have never been more disgusted and mortified with my son in my life.

“He has not been brought up to behave in this manner and I do not condone his behaviour at all,“ the dad added. ”Just to let you all know, the police have been notified and evidence has been sent it, it is now over to them to decide what they wish to do.”

He went on to explain that both he and his wife take measures to slow the pandemic incredibly seriously, which presumably includes the social distancing practices and additional restrictions on shopping that may have been the possible source of the anger his son and his friends claimed spurred their outburst.

In conclusion, though, he wanted to make sure people knew that this wasn’t an issue of parenting—but rather of children failing to behave as they had been raised, and suffering the consequences as a result.

“Also the police were notified at the first point of call when he was not back from his daily exercise,” he wrote. “Both myself and my wife take the Covid-19 pandemic very seriously. I just want to point out for those who blame the parents this is not, and I repeat not, how we have brought him up.”

The post uploaded by the father has since been taken down from the local Facebook group, but not before users took screen stills of his disappointed tirade over his son’s behavior. Hopefully, it spurred the teen to think about how to treat others in the future—and who might be watching to make sure he only gets away with behaving in a civil way.