‘I Died and Came Back:’ 12-Year-Old Recovers From Virus

‘I Died and Came Back:’ 12-Year-Old Recovers From Virus
Juliet Daly, 12, sits on the front porch of their family home in Covington, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/ AP Photo)
The Associated Press

COVINGTON, La.—As her desperately sick daughter was being airlifted to a hospital, Jennifer Daly was thinking about all the parts of life that still lay ahead for her 12-year-old and whether she’d ever experience them: Would she get to fall in love? Would she get the chance to get married and have her own children?

Driving across the causeway that separates the family’s home north of Lake Pontchartrain from the New Orleans hospital where their daughter was taken—with what was later determined to be a CCP virus infection—she was forced to imagine a life without her Juliet.
Jennifer Daly sits on her front porch as she recounts the ordeal of almost losing her daughter 12-year-old daughter Juliet to the CCP virus, in Covington, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)
Jennifer Daly sits on her front porch as she recounts the ordeal of almost losing her daughter 12-year-old daughter Juliet to the CCP virus, in Covington, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)

“She’s the sweetest girl. She’s the sweetest girl in the whole world. And she does not deserve this. And I was praying to God ... just please, please help, please help me,” said Jennifer, speaking from the family’s Covington home April 30, with her husband Sean and their now-recovered daughter.

As Juliet and her 5-year-old brother spar with each other using pool noodles, it’s hard to imagine that just last month Juliet was fighting for her life. At one point she had a heart attack and doctors had to perform CPR for two minutes before she came back.

Juliet Daly, 12, plays with her brother Dominic, 5, in their family home in Covington, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)
Juliet Daly, 12, plays with her brother Dominic, 5, in their family home in Covington, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)

“I died and came back,” Juliet said.

Her CCP virus journey didn’t start with many of the symptoms that have affected adults—breathing problems, for example. She had stomach pain and vomiting, and her mother, who’s a radiologist, thought maybe it was appendicitis or some type of stomach problem. But Juliet’s lips were also turning blue and her limbs were cold.

Juliet quickly ended up in the emergency room of the local hospital. There, she had a heart attack, underwent CPR, and was eventually airlifted to Ochsner Medical Center. Dr. Jake Kleinmahon was one of the doctors who was there to meet her and care for her over the next 10 days.

“Juliet came in as one of the sickest children we’ve taken care of with COVID-19,” said Kleinmahon. The top chamber of her heart was not working correctly with the bottom chamber, and she was developing “multisystem organ failure,” he said.

Jake Kleinmahon, a pediatric cardiologist at Ochsner Medical Center, discusses the medical care for patient Juliet Daly, 12, who almost died from the CCP virus, in Jefferson Parish, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)
Jake Kleinmahon, a pediatric cardiologist at Ochsner Medical Center, discusses the medical care for patient Juliet Daly, 12, who almost died from the CCP virus, in Jefferson Parish, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)

Kleinmahon said children with CCP virus infections often have different symptoms than adults, such as the abdominal problems Juliet had, or rashes in other cases. He said many children also have another virus besides the CCP virus and that was the case with Juliet.

For most people, the virus causes no, mild, or moderate symptoms, but some suffer severe disease and even death.

Juliet was on a ventilator for four days, during which she was sedated and then was eventually able to breathe on her own. She was discharged on April 15. The doctor said her heart function is now completely normal. Although she likely has a little trauma to her heart that should decrease over time, Kleinmahon expects she’ll have a “totally normal life.”

When she regained consciousness, her parents said she immediately worried about missing school. Her mother said that when she told Juliet what had happened, her eyes got as big as saucers.

“At first I was freaking out a lot,” Juliet said. And then she was worried about whether there were any lasting effects to her body.

Juliet Daly, 12, sits with her father Sean Daly on the front porch of their family home in Covington, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)
Juliet Daly, 12, sits with her father Sean Daly on the front porch of their family home in Covington, La., on April 30, 2020. (Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)

Jennifer said she and her husband hadn’t known anyone who’d even been infected with CCP virus until their daughter became so drastically ill. If they hadn’t gotten her to the hospital in time, they don’t know if she’d be alive today. She’s glad Juliet doesn’t remember those four days on a ventilator—days Jennifer will never forget.

“All she remembers is daddy telling her she’s going to go to sleep. ‘They’re going to put a tube down your throat. You’re gonna go on a helicopter ride. You’re gonna wake up in a new hospital and mommy will be there,’” said Jennifer. “Well, that’s what happened.”

By Stacey Plaisance
Epoch Times staff contributed to this report