How We Perceive Coincidences: Dr. Beitman Discusses

Strange coincidences may involve a sensory perception we don’t yet understand.
Tara MacIsaac

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.—Bernard Beitman, M.D., a founding father of Coincidence Studies, theorizes that strange coincidences may involve a sensory perception we don’t yet understand. 

When coincidences occur, it seems our minds are connected to our surroundings and to other people’s minds. As discussed in part 4 of this video series, Beitman theorizes that a kind of energy information may form those connections. 

We may have receptors to pick up on that information. For example, when a mother gets a sudden feeling that something is wrong and it turns out her daughter is actually in serious trouble, it could be that the mother’s receptors picked up on energy information transmitted by the daughter. 

This sixth sense may seem a little mystical, but even the five senses commonly recognized are a little more mysterious than most people realize, Beitman noted.

Scientists have different theories about how we smell things. The most common theory is that we have individual receptors for every different kind of scent molecule. Some scientists think, however, that we don’t possibly have specific receptors for all the multitudinous types of odorant molecules.

Some have suggested instead a controversial quantum theory that involves our nose sensing the energy vibrations from odorant molecules.

Beitman asks us to think about the mechanics of vision. How do you go from light perception to a nerve impulse to a picture in your mind? It involves responses to very delicate electromagnetic inputs. 

The five senses are mysterious and wondrous themselves, says Beitman, so why not consider receptors we haven’t yet identified? Why not consider receptors that can pick up on a subtle stimulus not easily detected otherwise? 

The five senses are pretty mysterious and wondrous themselves, says Beitman, so why not consider receptors we haven't yet identified?

His research indicates that many people experience mysterious connections to others and the world around them. In one study, approximately 1,000 respondents reported feeling the distress of someone at a distance.

If such receptors are detected in the future, it may help people connect with coincidence even more. Connecting with coincidences is desirable because they can help people find just what they need when they need it, and are useful in many other ways. 

People can increase coincidences in their lives by keeping a closer eye out for them and talking about them more, Beitman said. He has also found that changing routine and talking to people more while out and about can increase the occurrence of coincidences in one’s life. 

He quoted a Spanish proverb: “The dog that trots about finds the bone.”

This is the fifth part in a series of videos with Dr. Beitman. Check here for all parts in the series: Coincidences Video Series

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