How To Stand Out With Unique Advertising Methods

How To Stand Out With Unique Advertising Methods
Veronica Davis

Are you hiding in plain sight? It can be difficult to make your own business stand out from the crown. But advertising is an essential part of running a business. Along with investing a decent amount of money into your advertising, you need to have a team that can offer creativity and thought-provoking ideas to get your brand noticed. You only have a few seconds to get your audience’s attention before they may lose interest, but if you can keep them interested long enough, you can get the message of your brand out into the world. Many people use humor and others’ pull at your heartstrings to grab attention.

How can companies creatively get their brand’s message out there while standing out from the competition? Here is a look at unique advertising methods that others have tried that may get you noticed with your brand.

Provide a Service That Fulfills a Need

The company Hellmann’s did something unique last year by having shopping carts in grocery stores fitted with NFC-enabled tablets. When you pick up a Hellmann product and place it in your cart, the display showed you meal ideas that you can use with other items on the nearby shelves. Sales increased 70% from this marketing campaign.

Another company that used the strategy of fulfilling a need was a Brazilian agency, Monumenta, on behalf of Orca Chevrolet. Their “Rescue Drive” campaign worked with a local tow company to allow consumers that needed a ride home due to a broken down vehicle a free test drive. This provided a service while getting customers to try out their product.

Free Giveaways

If you have something free you can give away, this is a great way to get people to keep their attention on your ad. Seeing the word “Free” will keep your audience captured long enough to get the message of the brand. For example, back in 2013 the front of Forbes magazine said “Free Wi-Fi Inside.” Microsoft was advertising Office 365 software and decided to team up with Forbes and T-mobile to insert a miniature hotspot into Forbes issues on May 6th, 2013.

Impress with Generosity

In Thailand, HomePro DIY store and BBDO Bangkok collaborated to create billboards that could be used as makeshift shelters. The shelters were decorated with their advertisements and fitted with shelves and hangers for the increased homeless population in the area.


Make sure you have a great website with blogs and relevant content. You can also use Facebook and other social media platforms to get your name out there and post about updates and discounts for no charge.

Sponsor Local Sports Teams

A great way to advertise locally is to sponsor a local sports team. Basically the players will wear your company logo on their uniform and you'll have all eyes on your brand. Send out a press release or feature article to find a team you can sponsor. If there’s a Little League team near you, you can get information for sponsoring a team here.

Leaflet Distribution Teams

Probably the easiest way to reach consumers is through leaflet distribution. Hiring a leaflet distribution team is the best way to accomplish this. Leaflets are flyers that you can hand out to get people noticing your brand and what services your company offers. Coming up with a clever design will get people noticing you better. For example, a gym can hand these out leaflets at their front desk in the shape of a dumbbell and include a coupon cutout on the flyer for a free initial visit. This is a great way to get more business and more leads.

Interact with the Community

A great way to get your name out there is to host a free event. Give away food or freebies to attract visitors to your event. This will get your name recognized and the community together in honor of your company.

You could also speak at seminars or teach workshops to get involved with the community. Simply attending and being a part of the event will get your name out there while getting free publicity. Donating to charities, using bumper sticks and setting up online review pages are other ways to get the community talking about your brand and spreading the name.

These are some cool and unique ways to get your brand noticed and capture your audience’s eye.

Veronica is a wife and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys. She has been a freelance writer for over fiver years, and has since ventured into many areas of working online and marketing online. She loves being in the kitchen, discovering new dishes the family loves and hopes to go to culinary school some day. A former Marine and ex-whitewater rafting guide, she loves the outdoors and sports.
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