How to Keep Up With Online Marketing Trends

How to Keep Up With Online Marketing Trends
Deborah Asseraf

When there is a new Twitter or app that promises to change life the way we know it, keep up with online marketing trends can soon become overwhelming. And yet, staying ahead of the competition clearly entails knowing exactly what is coming next in your industry. Below some ways to stay ahead of the wave without wasting time or too many resources.

Find ‘Your Guy’. Everyone needs their go to person that is able to tell them exactly what is coming out next in the tech world. Think of them as your Q from 007. Look around your office and see who would be a great match –who is always telling you about the next Quora or Pinterest coming out?  Although knowing about every new app might not be interesting to you, imagine if you had used Twitter before everyone else jumped on. It’s a prime time to dominate a market before it get over crowded and noisy.

Be Social.  Yes, everyone knows that social media is an important part of creating awareness for your business along with new business opportunities. But did you know that concentrating on three social media outlets might be more productive then trying to tackle them all?  Look into finding out which Social Media apps are best fit for your company.  “Be mindful of when you post” says Melodie, founder of Les Sucreries de Melodie “The reactivity varies depending on your audiences schedule. So, be sure to post according to their habits.” If you are looking to build a strong online presence then Google+ is a must. Using their app will help you rank higher in Google searches and improve your ’trust' rating on your website. Mastering these social media apps will make it easier for you to transition your audience on whatever new apps you decide to try out.

Video.  For some of you it might not be good news that video is here to stay. But, regardless, it’s time you jumped on the bandwagon. It’s not new news that video engages with your audience like no one social tool.  If you have a smartphone then the good news is that you already have a production studio in the palm of your hand. Set aside 1 hour twice a month to shoot videos with yourself and with employees. Pretty soon you‘ll have enough content to start a video library where prospects will be able to hear why your business is different from the rest, how your business out performs competition and what motivates you every morning to do the work you do. It’s preferable to shoot these with a nice background that has even lightening and to put some thought into them. You don’t want to babble or not have a point to each video you shoot or else you’ll just be pushing viewers away.

How are you keeping ahead of  online marketing trends? Tell us below or email us at [email protected].

Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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