How to DIY a Home Office That Will Make Working a Breeze

If you’re looking for a way to fit some calm and quiet workspace into your home, these 7 steps will get you the home office of your dreams.
How to DIY a Home Office That Will Make Working a Breeze

If you’re looking for a way to fit some calm and quiet workspace into your home, these 7 steps will get you the home office of your dreams. To create a productive and work-conducive space, you'll need top-notch organization, an encouraging atmosphere, and all the tools of your trade readily available. Whether or not you wanted to work from home before this, after checking out these office spaces, you absolutely will now! These home offices are so organized and comfortable that your office will quickly become your favorite room in the house.

1. Location, location, location

Office Under the Stairs (Hometalker Thistlewood @<a href="" target="_blank">Thistlewood Farms</a>)
Office Under the Stairs (Hometalker Thistlewood @Thistlewood Farms)

Finding the right room or nook in your house for a home office is the absolute first step. If you choose a spot that doesn’t get enough light or has too many distractions, nothing else will matter. Be sure to find a place that will be quiet enough for phone calls and hearing yourself think. This doesn’t have to be in its own room - if you don’t have a spare office room, you can create a transitional office in a guestroom, or clean out a large closet or storage space.

2. The Right Lighting Is Key

Office Makeover (Hometalker Sophia @<a href="" target="_blank">Sophia's Live Beautifully</a>)
Office Makeover (Hometalker Sophia @Sophia's Live Beautifully)

Creating your office in natural light is a great way to trick your brain into thinking that you’re actually enjoying some outdoor splendor, instead of at a desk typing away or calculating numbers. Sunlight will also kick-start your creativity, giving you the energy you need to dream up great ideas and innovations. When it gets darker, make sure your office lights are bright but gentle.

3. Getting (and Staying) Organized

Office Craft Room Makeover (Hometalker Chelsea @<a href="" target="_blank">Two Twenty One</a>)
Office Craft Room Makeover (Hometalker Chelsea @Two Twenty One)

Good organization will save you, no matter the type of job. Whether you’re crafting, calculating, editing, or making calls, knowing where your tools are and how to get them instantly is the best way to ensure productivity. Try a wall-mounted organizer or well-labeled folders for papers, and some clearly marked boxes, baskets, or buckets for your supplies and tools. 

4. Light Paint is the Hue of Productivity

White and Bright Office (Hometalker Becky @<a href="" target="_blank">This Is Happiness</a>)
White and Bright Office (Hometalker Becky @This Is Happiness)

White, cream, or any neutral tone you favor are some great paint options for the walls of your home office. Light colored paint will create an automatically bright and calm space, and lessen any work stress that might creep up on you. Be sure not to leave it too white, though - add color in the details and decor.

5. Being Your Own Secretary

Small Space Office (Hometalker Beachcomber @<a href="" target="_blank">Beachcomber</a>)
Small Space Office (Hometalker Beachcomber @Beachcomber)

Working from home means you’re usually a workforce of one, so you have to keep track of your messages, memos, and notes. A great way to make sure nothing goes missing or gets overlooked is creating a message board which is easily accessible and has enough space for all of your various scraps and tidbits of paper.

6. Having Enough Room to Work

Stylish Home Office (Hometalker Laura Trevey @<a href="" target="_blank">Bright, Bold & Beautiful</a>)
Stylish Home Office (Hometalker Laura Trevey @Bright, Bold & Beautiful)

Though decorating your workspace and arranging pictures and trinkets is fun, it’s most important that you have the desk-space you need to work. You never want to end up with papers spilling off of your desk or your laptop on your knees (despite the name, it’s more comfortable to have it on your desk!) Use a wide, spacious desk, or hang pictures and decor on the walls instead of setting them on your desktop, to increase your workspace. 

7. It Has to Be You

Vintage Style Storage (Hometalker Roeshel @<a href="" target="_blank">DIY Show Off</a>)
Vintage Style Storage (Hometalker Roeshel @DIY Show Off)

Rules aside, this is your work space. You know yourself best, and because everyone’s work ethic is a bit different, you know what does the job for you. Try to keep to the tricks of the trade, but if you feel that your work would improve if you made certain design or practice changes, go with your gut! Even if you’re a stickler for the rules, make sure to decorate your space in your style

Now that you’ve got down the basics, it’s time to plan your own home office. For some tips and inspiration, check out Hometalk’s Home Office topic page!