Houston Audiences Applaud the ‘Perfect Precision’ of Shen Yun

Architect Michael LaNasa enjoyed the peaceful experience at Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra’s matinee performance at Jones Hall for the Performing Arts Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013.
Houston Audiences Applaud the ‘Perfect Precision’ of Shen Yun
Mel and Paulette Levine enjoy the blend of different instruments at the Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra's performance at Jones Hall for the Performing Arts Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013. Sarah Guo/Epoch Times

HOUSTON—Architect Michael LaNasa enjoyed the peaceful experience at Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra’s matinee performance at Jones Hall for the Performing Arts Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013.

“It’s beautiful,“ he said. ”I like the combination of Western and Eastern instruments. I thought they blended great. It was beautiful.”

Mr. LaNasa said he enjoyed the mixture of compositions, which included those composed by Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, as well as original pieces written by Shen Yun’s own composers.

Dr. William Giles, an orthodontist, was especially impressed with the precision of the orchestra. “Their ensemble was excellent. It was very well rehearsed, obviously,” he said.

Dr. Giles said he enjoyed both the traditional Western pieces and the Chinese melodies. “The Eastern pieces are very palatable to a Western ear,” he said.

Company owner Mel Levine said the performance was great, especially noting the Chinese music. “I like that more than anything—different blends of instruments,“ he said. ”It’s very emotional music, a very strong, powerful, proud kind of music.”

He also noted that he was certainly emotionally piqued by the music.

“I just felt different things like hope, and spring, and happiness, and sadness, and pride,” he said.

His wife, Paulette Levine agreed. “It was very strong. I have never heard—I have never seen these Chinese instruments before, so my primary reason for coming here is for me to experience it,” she said.

“The blend of different instruments is unique for us, but it all flows together,” Mr. Levine said.

He said the conductors were energetic, and Mrs. Levine agreed, adding that the performance was excellent.

“Just perfect precision,” Mrs. Levine concluded.

Reporting by Catherine Yang, Sarah Guo, and Sarah Matheson

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra is on a seven-city tour with performances in Washington, D.C., New York, Boston, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, from Sept. 27–Oct. 22. For more information, visit Symphony.Shenyun.com

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