Housing En Route to Attawapiskat

Attawapiskat remains in the public eye as Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in an exclusive interview on CTV, defended oversight measures that effectively supplanted the band council.
Housing En Route to Attawapiskat
Epoch Times Staff

Attawapiskat remains in the public eye as Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in an exclusive interview on CTV, defended oversight measures that effectively supplanted the band council.

“I think Canadians understand that when the government is held responsible, the government needs to demand results, and I think that’s what every Canadian understands,” said Harper.

On Christmas Eve, John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, announced that the retrofit of the Attawapiskat Healing Lodge was complete.

“Thanks to the hard work and round the clock efforts of AANDC officials, Emergency Management Ontario, the Canadian Red Cross staff and volunteers, and the community of Attawapiskat, any of the 25 families currently living in temporary shelter now have access to a safe, warm, dry shelter to sleep until the permanent housing modules arrive,” the minister said in a statement.

“In addition, work is already underway to repair the multi-family unit ATCO trailers, which means that other residents will have a more comfortable place to live.”

Duncan said 22 modular homes will be delivered to Attawapiskat for installation as soon as the winter roads open.