Hoping for a Lucky Birth Hour, Chinese Woman Tries to Delay Delivery of Baby Girl

But as the Chinese expression goes, the final outcome rests with heaven, not man.
Hoping for a Lucky Birth Hour, Chinese Woman Tries to Delay Delivery of Baby Girl
(China Photos/Getty Images)
Juliet Song

In Chinese astrology, one’s year, month, and even hour of birth are said to determine personality traits, luckiness, and fate.

But when a Chinese grandmother in the eastern province of Zhejiang tried to take things into her own hands, she didn’t get her way.

In the early morning of March 2, Li Li, the pregnant daughter of Ms. Zhang, went into labor earlier than expected, the Qianjiang Evening News reported. A doctor at the Dongyang People’s Hospital informed the expecting mother that her cervical dilation was sufficient to warrant staying in the hospital.

Li Li’s family was happy at the news, but Zhang was anxious to have her granddaughter to be born at the right timing. Li Li went into labor about ten days earlier than forecasted.

By 8 a.m., Li Li was experiencing significant cervical pain as nurses got her ready to give birth. 

But Zhang objected. “11 a.m. is the earliest auspicious hour. Isn’t there a way to delay the delivery?”  

Shocked, the doctor rebuffed her request. “It’s not possible to delay, her cervix is about to dilate fully and it’s very dangerous too.”

“But the Eight Chinese Character readings (indicating various astrological signs) will be no good this way,” Zhang said. “It'll bring the baby bad fortune.”

Zhang turned to her daughter: “You have to hold it back, it’s fine as long as you make hold out to 11!”   

But as the Chinese expression goes, the final outcome rests with heaven, not man. The infant’s hair was already visible, and Li Li gave birth safely at 9:50 a.m.

The doctor pointed out that had the birth been delayed, the baby would be at risk of asphyxiation and Li Li may have suffered hemorrhaging. 

But the hair of the baby already could be seen, and she delivered a daughter at 9:50 a.m. on that day.

“It’s pretty common to see people who want to their child at a certain time,” said Liu Miaozhen, chief of gynaecology and obstetrics department at the Dongyang People’s Hospital. She told Qianjiang Evening News of customers who requested to Cesarean sections ahead of time to force births at the “lucky moment.”

Juliet Song is an international correspondent exclusively covering China news for NTD. She primarily contributes to NTD's "China in Focus," covering U.S.-China relations, the Chinese regime's human rights abuses, and domestic unrest inside China. Juliet reports from NTD's global headquarters in New York City.