Hong Kong Uncensored: Police and Protesters Clash in Mong Kok

A violent confrontation between police and protesters once again erupted in Mong Kok, Hong Kong late in the evening.

A violent confrontation between police and protesters once again erupted in Mong Kok, Hong Kong late in the evening.

China Uncensored was there in the midst of the pepper spray and beatings interviewing protesters.

As one protester told us, they were willing to die for democracy and freedom.

MORE: Witnessing a Late-Night Clash at a Hong Kong Protest Site

A bystander managed to capture footage of an incident where a large group of policemen grabbed a protester from at the front of the line and dragged him behind police lines.

If you are up for it, how about a little game of “Where’s Chris and the China Uncensored crew?” (Hint: It’s easy at the beginning, but will get tricky towards the end)

Check out the full, eleven minute-long Youtube clip here.

About China Uncensored:

“Did you know China banned reincarnation? And time travel on TV? Did you know they call the Dalai Lama a terrorist ringleader? Funny news you might have missed. You see, China is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. And those guys are pretty evil. They also have an iron grip on the world’s second largest economy and the world’s largest standing army. Whether it’s threatening war with Japan, squashing citizen riots calling for democracy, or censoring news and the Internet, China’s Communist Party is fighting to stay in power. China also puts out a lot of fake news to trick people in China and in the West into thinking every thing is good. That’s where NTD China Uncensored comes in.

China Uncensored is China news like the Daily Show or Colbert Report is US news. It’s a little funny, a little scary, and pretty darn entertaining. Chris Chappell’s launches his war on the CCP with a sarcastic take on China’s government abuse with the latest news.”