Hong Kong Live Blog Day 63 (Nov. 29): Protesters Led Police in Circles Between Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok

See our live blog of the police-protester confrontation in Mong Kok.

See our live blog of the police-protester confrontation in Mong Kok.

- The Federation of Students has called upon supporters to bring supplies and prepare equipment in anticipation of a major announcement to be made on Nov. 30 in Admiralty, raising the possibility of a new direction for the pro-democracy movement. 

- According to a recent poll by the Ming Pao newspaper, only 25% of the protesters are actually students. 

- Pan-democratic legislator Claudia Mo’s request to hold a LegCo council session regarding police brutality has been denied as being of “little urgency” by Ip Kwok Him, who heads the lawmaking body’s Security Council. Ip is a member of a pro-Beijing party. 

- Supporters of democracy continue their “Shopping Revolution” in Mong Kok, which began after the police cleared protesters from the streets. 

MORE: Hong Kong protesters “being like water” in the face of police action