Hit-man Shoots Repeatedly at Man at Point-Blank Range, Misses

Epoch Newsroom

Some say Jaire Nato Gonzalo de Sousa had a guardian angel.

He’s a small shop owner in the small Brazilian town of Araguapaz in central Brazil’s State of Goias.

He missed---again and again.

As seen in the CCTV footage, Sousa was taking out a display of brooms and rakes out when a gunman walked up to him from behind, pointed his weapon on Sousa’s head and started shooting.

But he missed---again and again. In the end one of the bullets hit Sousa in the stomach and another one grazed his head, but after treatment he was out of danger, according to a DailyMail.co.uk report.

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The shooter got away but police were able to identify him thanks to the footage. He was already wanted for another murder committed last year.