Hillary Clinton’s Daughter Chelsea Accidentally Refers to Bernie Sanders as ‘President’

Chelsea Clinton committed an embarrassing gaffe on Wednesday when she was speaking to her mother’s supporters in Minnesota, accidentally referring to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as “President Sanders.”
Jonathan Zhou

Chelsea Clinton committed an embarrassing gaffe on Wednesday while speaking to her mother’s supporters in Minnesota, accidentally referring to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as “President Sanders.”

Clinton was in the middle of attacking Sanders’s record on gun control, specifically a gun control bill that he voted against, when she accidentally referred to him as “President” instead of “senator.”

“We also need to strip away the [gun] immunity that President Sanders—excuse me, senator Sanders, I hope not President Sanders—that senator Sanders voted for,” Clinton said.

Clinton was considered to have locked-in the Democratic nomination until Sanders joined the race. Despite winning in Iowa, Clinton received far fewer votes than expected, beating Sanders by the slimmest of margins. She is expected to lose the New Hampshire primary, a state where Sanders has maintained a commanding lead for months.

Clinton is still polling well above Sanders among Democrats nationwide, with a 14-point lead, according to Real Clear Politics, but she is far from holding the default candidate status she had in the middle of 2015.

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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