High Line Rail Yards Opening Sunday

NEW YORK—“I’ve been a devoted High Line follower since the beginning,” said Emmy Stocker, leaning against the fence dividing the end of Section 2 of the High Line with the third and final portion: the Rail Yards.
High Line Rail Yards Opening Sunday
A man looks at the northernmost part of the High Line park, the Rail Yards, in Manhattan on Sept. 18, 2014 which is still fenced off in preparation for opening on Sunday. (Benjamin Chasteen/Epoch Times)
Catherine Yang

NEW YORK—“I’ve been a devoted High Line follower since the beginning,” said Emmy Stocker, leaning against the fence dividing the end of Section 2 of the High Line with the third and final portion: the Rail Yards. 

Stocker, an art teacher in Connecticut, frequents the park almost weekly to take in the beauty of the vegetation—purposely arranged to look wild—juxtaposed with surrounding steel structures. Having lived and worked in the city for 15 years before moving to Connecticut, the sense of nature 30 feet above heavy car traffic astounds her. 

“Just look at that,” she said Friday, gesturing to the Rail Yards through the fence, where construction workers are making finishing touches. “It’s beautiful.”

On Sunday, the Rail Yards will open to the public, followed by a week of special programs to celebrate. The final portion of the park, a half-mile length of between West 30th and 34th Streets, loops upward to the in-progress Hudson Yards development. 

The northermost part of the High Line park, the Rail Yards, is fenced off in preparation for opening on Sunday. (Catherine Yang/Epoch Times)
The northermost part of the High Line park, the Rail Yards, is fenced off in preparation for opening on Sunday. (Catherine Yang/Epoch Times)