Here’s How Xi Jinping Can Show China Has the Rule of Law (Video)


In an interview with Epoch Times’ Amir Talai, Heng He, an analyst of the Chinese political system who contributes columns to the Epoch Times, talks about the mounting campaign in China to bring former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin to justice.

On May 1, the Chinese communist regime’s highest legal bodies began accepting all criminal complaints instead of rigorously screening and approving—and sometimes rejecting—them.

Since then, over 180,000 Falun Gong practitioners have filed criminal complaints against Jiang Zemin for crimes against humanity and genocide. It is up to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate—China’s highest prosecuting body—to determine if they want to act on the criminal complaints, Heng He says.

And it is difficult to say if the complaints would be acted upon because the Communist Party’s “higher authorities will have to make a political decision.” Still, He adds, this is the “best opportunity” for Chinese leader Xi Jinping to take action and show the world that China is a country with the rule of law.

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