Heidi Opossum: Heidi the Opossum Misses Just One Oscar Prediction

Heidi Opossum: Heidi, the famous German cross-eyed opossum, only missed one pick in her Oscar predictions made on ABC.
Heidi Opossum: Heidi the Opossum Misses Just One Oscar Prediction
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/108804102Heidi.jpg" alt="Heidi Opossum: Heidi the opossum on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010 at Leipzig Zoo. Heidi only missed one pick in the Oscar predictions she made last week on ABC's 'Jimmy Kimmel Live.' (Hendrik Schmidt/AFP/Getty Image)" title="Heidi Opossum: Heidi the opossum on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010 at Leipzig Zoo. Heidi only missed one pick in the Oscar predictions she made last week on ABC's 'Jimmy Kimmel Live.' (Hendrik Schmidt/AFP/Getty Image)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1807586"/></a>
Heidi Opossum: Heidi the opossum on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010 at Leipzig Zoo. Heidi only missed one pick in the Oscar predictions she made last week on ABC's 'Jimmy Kimmel Live.' (Hendrik Schmidt/AFP/Getty Image)
Heidi, the famous German cross-eyed opossum, only missed one pick in the Oscar predictions she made last week on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live.

She wrongly predicted that 127 Hours would win the Best Picture Oscar, which instead was awarded to The King’s Speech, starring Colin Firth.

The 2.5-year-old opossum, who lives at the Leipzig Zoo in eastern Germany, nevertheless correctly predicted Natalie Portman in Black Swan to win Best Leading Actress, and Firth in The King’s Speech to get Best Leading Actor in a series of appearances on the ABC show.

“Everything went to plan,” zoo spokeswoman Maria Saegebarth told Reuters on Monday of Heidi’s TV appearances. “She took as long as she needed to predict the winners, sometimes taking naps.”

Heidi made her Best Actor and Best Actress predictions from the zoo by placing her paw on an Oscar statuette with the actor or the actress’s photo. For Best Picture, the opossum picked from 10 grapes lying in front of placards of the 10 nominated films, according to Reuters.

Heidi is following the lead of Germany’s Octopus Paul, who successfully predicted football World Cup results last year from an aquarium.

In the past few months, she has become an Internet sensation with numerous videos and websites dedicated to her. A Facebook page dedicated to her has nearly 320,000 fan.

Opossums belong to the marsupial family, and are common in North, Central, and South America.