Health Brief: Daily Vitamins Could Be Harmful; Why McDonald’s Europe is Healthier; The Power of Positive Thinking for Weight Loss

Learn about food safety regulations, the link between multivitamins and mortality, a potential cure for blindness, and a new weight loss method.
Health Brief: Daily Vitamins Could Be Harmful; Why McDonald’s Europe is Healthier; The Power of Positive Thinking for Weight Loss
By Lallapie/Shutterstock

Welcome to The Epoch Times Health Brief for Sunday, Oct. 13, 2024.

I’m Bill Thomas. We have a number of impactful stories to share with you right now, and here’s what’s going on.

Food safety regulations in the United States allow the use of many ingredients that are considered unsafe in Europe and we’ll tell you why, a new study links multivitamin use to higher death rates here in the States, and scientists tell us they’ve discovered a potential cure for age-related blindness.

Also, there’s a new way to lose weight without the use of medications or surgery, and we examine a case of something referred to as “autism reversal,” which questions the boundaries of what is possible with lifestyle interventions.

We have so much to get to, and we begin with alarming information about the differences in food safety standards between the United States and Europe, and how this could negatively impact your health.

Healthier McDonald’s Options Available in Europe, but Not in the US

Now, this is really interesting. You can actually find healthier food options at McDonald’s restaurants in Europe than at their U.S. locations. Food activist Vani Hari recently talked about this during a Senate roundtable discussion and she shared some very interesting thoughts.

She pointed out that the French fries served at the Golden Arches in the UK contain only three ingredients, while those golden fries at U.S.-based McDonald’s restaurants boast a whopping 11 ingredients, including a food additive to maintain color, hydrolyzed milk to improve texture, and a simple sugar that helps retain moisture.

Now, this is about more than just fast food. Experts say a legal loophole in the United States allows companies to categorize their ingredients as “generally recognized as safe” and they do this with only limited oversight from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Jennifer Pomeranz, a public health professor, says there’s no requirement for companies to submit safety data, which means that many organizations can essentially self-regulate.

Now this is even more concerning when you factor in that over the last 50 years, the amount of artificial food dyes that are being added to the foods we eat has gone up by 500 percent. You can find these dyes in many products that children consume, such as chips, fruit juices, and many sweet treats.

Pomeranz recommends removing artificial dyes from food and using natural alternatives just like they already do in a number of other countries and all in an effort to protect everyone’s health.

Some states are already taking action. Recently, California passed the School Food Safety Act, which in time will eliminate several harmful food dyes in school foods, but that law will not take effect until the end of 2027.

While we’re waiting, the one thing we can all agree on is that we want the best and healthiest foods possible for ourselves and, of course, for our children.

We continue with a new study that challenges the popular belief that multivitamins improve health and help us live longer. It turns out taking daily vitamins actually might be linked to a 4 percent increased risk of death, and here’s what we’ve learned.

Large Study Links Daily Multivitamin Use to Increased Mortality Risk 

Researchers from the National Cancer Institute tracked almost 400,000 healthy adults in the United States over a period of approximately three decades, looking specifically at how many vitamins the participants were taking. Remarkably, even though multivitamin users tended to have healthier lifestyles, including things like exercising more and eating better, these habits did not translate into increased longevity.

Experts say that people taking multivitamins might not be addressing their specific nutritional needs. Many lack essential minerals like magnesium and zinc, which are crucial for health, but are often found in insufficient amounts in certain multivitamins.

On the flip side, many of these supplements contain excessive amounts of minerals like copper and iron, which can lead to oxidative stress, a condition that leads to cell and tissue damage and can potentially harm you over time.

It’s very important to point out that quality matters, as well. Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt, founder of the Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center, says that a number of multivitamins being sold are of inferior quality, or are filled with additives that hinder absorption, making them less effective.

That brings us to an important reminder—medical professionals have been saying this for years: multivitamins should never be used in place of a healthy diet.

We’ll change topics now and we’ve got our eyes peeled on something that’s often taken for granted—optical health. There is a potential breakthrough that could open the door for innovative drugs to treat a disease that currently affects over 20 million Americans, and this is really intriguing.

Scientists Identify New Protein That Drives Age-Related Blindness, Uncover Potential Therapy

Researchers have identified a protein that could change how we approach age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of sight loss among older adults. ​

AMD occurs when the macula—the part of the retina responsible for clear vision—suffers damage, primarily because of the overproduction of a protein called TIMP-3. This protein contributes to the buildup of something called drusen, or yellow deposits, which indicate the onset of AMD. You can think of it as a kind of trash buildup. Simply put, too much TIMP-3 equals bad news for our eyes.

You should know that the researchers conducted their study using human stem cells rather than traditional animal models. The study showed that TIMP-3 inhibits an enzyme that acts as the cleanup crew for the eyes. When there’s not enough of these enzymes, harmful compounds accumulate in the retina, leading to increased drusen and accelerating AMD.

Now, this is really interesting—by blocking TIMP-3, the researchers were able to enhance the enzyme, potentially lessening the drusen buildup.

New medication or not, it’s important for you to know how to lower your risk of AMD, so you don’t have to worry about whether a cure will be available one day. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential, and this includes eating foods rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, and do all you can to get in the habit of staying physically active.

Also, just a reminder, when you’re outdoors, please remember to wear sunglasses. They are not just a fashion statement, they are a must for protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. And don’t forget those annual eye exams so you can catch minor issues before they become serious problems.

We’ll continue now with something else we are keeping a close eye on, and that’s our weight. Turns out, your thoughts about food can actually affect how your body reacts to what you’re eating, and you’ve gotta hear this.

The Power of Perception: How Your Mind Influences Weight Gain or Loss

Research shows that a disconnect between your brain and gut can lead to obesity, but there are ways to bridge the gap.

When you eat a low-calorie meal but believe it’s high in calories, your body might respond as if you’ve eaten more. This points to an intriguing concept: your perception can actually influence your metabolism.

For example, a 2011 study from Yale University showed this phenomenon with milkshakes. Participants drank identical milkshakes labeled with different calorie counts. One group thought they were getting a richer, high-calorie shake, while the other thought it was a lighter, healthier option. Oddly, the group that thought they were indulging reported feeling fuller afterward, despite the fact that both groups were drinking exactly 380 calories.

This leads us to something called ghrelin and leptin, two key hormones in managing hunger and fullness. Ghrelin signals hunger and is released by the gut. It basically tells our brain, “Hey, it’s time to eat,” while leptin signals fullness and comes from our body’s fat cells.

In overweight people, high levels of leptin can lead to the brain becoming less responsive to the hormone, which means it doesn’t register fullness properly. This breakdown in communication between the gut and brain can lead to overeating.

But don’t worry—there’s hope, and it doesn’t require prescription medications. A study from about four years ago showed that an intervention based on mindfulness can really help. Children who practiced mindfulness, which means they were fully aware of their eating habits and emotions, saw reductions in body fat after just a couple of months, while those on traditional diets saw little change.

So, next time you sit down to eat, take a breath and focus on your meal. Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for managing weight and improving your overall health.

We’ll change things up just a bit now and we want to share some information with you about autism, which affects 1 in 36 children in the United States, and a new case study regarding autism is truly fascinating. Here’s what we’ve learned:

Autism Reversal in Twin Girls Through Lifestyle and Environmental Changes: Case Study

This new study highlights the potential of making personalized lifestyle and environmental changes in reversing autism symptoms in twin girls diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The twins, diagnosed with severe autism when they were just 20 months old, underwent a comprehensive, non-drug intervention strategy. Their parents tried a holistic method, addressing both environmental and biological factors that may have been contributing to their children’s condition.

Following the diagnosis, the parents of the young girls made several key changes over two years. They eliminated gluten, sugar, and processed foods from their diets, and focused on organic, home-cooked meals. The diet of the twins was supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins tailored to their individual needs.

Additionally, various strategies were introduced, including behavior and speech treatments, with the goal of improving their communication and social skills. The new approach also involved occupational therapy, which focused on fine and gross motor skills.

An environmental consultant also helped evaluate and improve the air quality of the home and reduce toxins.

These interventions led to substantial progress. Remarkably, their Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist scores dropped significantly in just seven months. The improvements were so shocking that the children’s pediatrician said one of the girls had undergone “a kind of miracle.”

As the parents of the twins said, understanding the unique needs of each child is key to effective treatment. Families dealing with autism are encouraged to look for support, knowing they are not alone in their journey.

And now, it looks like our time is just about up for today, so we’re gonna call it a wrap for this edition of the Epoch Times Health Brief.

Just a reminder—you can reach out to us anytime via email at [email protected] and you can also leave comments for us on the Epoch Times app, which you can download for free.

Don’t forget the Health Brief Motto: We’re portable, affordable, and always on-demand.

And, as we do each and every day on this program, we wrap everything up with a very notable quote:

This one is by famous cartoonist Jim Davis, who said: “Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.”

I think he left out Sweet Potato Pie.

And finally, we wrap things up with a very basic health tip: Take deep breaths to reduce stress. Instant zen, right there!

For all of us here at the Epoch Times Health Brief, I’m Bill Thomas.

The Epoch Times Health Brief program was written today by Hristina Byrnes.

Thank you for making us your one-stop source for a concise, accurate, and unbiased daily synopsis of many of the health stories you need to know about.

Enjoy the remainder of your day and we'll see you right back here next time for another edition of the Epoch Times Health Brief.

For now, let’s all continue to watch out for one another and have an absolutely superb day today. Bye for now.