Happy Ghosts & Goblins, Scary Stories for Everyone!

Happy Ghosts & Goblins, Scary Stories for Everyone!
Veronica Davis

In preparation for a trip to Worlds of Fun (thanks to the free tickets we got from my husband’s work), I’ve been watching some YouTube videos and showing the kiddos (they’ve never been to a real amusement park)... One in particular, gave me a flashback. The Worlds of Fun’s Great American Train Robbery reenactment reminded me of the Halloween hayride our family enjoyed a couple years ago. We were “held up for our candy” and a police officer actually came zooming in with sirens, which we all thought was super cool! My family loves Halloween. We look forward to scary stories, haunted houses and the one day out of the year when you get to be whoever you choose to be.

I was inspired to jump start Halloween with some scary stories for the kids. I found a couple with topics that grabbed their attention and we all know what a challenge that could be. One was titled “Digital Camera”, where a woman agrees to look after a young girl who had recently lost her mom. Their eager expressions, turned to looks of concern, then concealed fear. My little one, stuck out his chest and bravely stated, “That’s all make pretend, right mom?”. He got a “Duh” and “Of course it is” from the older ones. I didn’t provide any input. It was fun to let them figure it out. The stories were posted by the online community, which makes it even more fun! I won’t ruin the whole story for you, but you can visit the site I found it on at the end of this post.

If you’re contemplating a Halloween party this year here are some classic and modern, fun ideas:

With kids ranging from elementary-aged to high school, we have a large variety of things we like to do for Halloween. Some are more reserved for that time of year, but with scary stories, you can enjoy them any time of year. The site I was using for finding stories (like “Digital Camera”)? Here ya go! http://scary-story.com/

Hope this helps jump start your Halloween. Happy Ghosts & Goblins from my family to yours!

Veronica is a wife and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys. She has been a freelance writer for over fiver years, and has since ventured into many areas of working online and marketing online. She loves being in the kitchen, discovering new dishes the family loves and hopes to go to culinary school some day. A former Marine and ex-whitewater rafting guide, she loves the outdoors and sports.
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