Happy Easter Earthlings: Astronauts Celebrate in Space

Easter is not only celebrated on Earth. Hundreds of miles above the equator, on the International Space Station, a team of astronauts are also marking the occasion.
Happy Easter Earthlings: Astronauts Celebrate in Space
Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield has become something of a sensation by sharing his experiences in space on social media sites. (Alexander Nemenov/AFP/Getty Images)

Easter is not only celebrated on Earth. Hundreds of miles above the equator, on the International Space Station, a team of astronauts are also marking the occasion. 

Current chief of the station Chris Hadfield posted pictures on twitter of eggs he managed to sneak onto the station for his crew.  

“Good Morning, Earth!” wrote Hadfield, who posts under the name @Cmdr_Hadfield.

“A fine Easter Sunday morning to you, from the crew of the International Space Station. Don’t tell my crew, but I brought them Easter Eggs.”

Hadfield, the first Canadian to walk in space, became head of the station in December 2012, and since then has become something of a media sensation for his frequent posts on social media sites. 

He has posted high definition pictures of the Earth, from streetlights in Beijing to bushfires in Australia, to his half a million Terran followers.

In February, he hosted an “ask me anything” session on Reddit, answering questions on what it’s like to sleep in space or perform a space walk. 

On Valentines Day, he posted a picture of a heart-shaped coastline of Corfu, with the tagline: “Seven billion hearts, but I can see only one”.

Forbes magazine called the 53-year-old “the most social media savvy astronaut ever to leave Earth.”

His social media sites are managed by his 27-year-old son Evan. “Dad wanted a way to help people connect the real side of what an astronaut’s life is – not just the glamour and science, but also the day-to-day activities,” he told the Guardian newspaper in February. 

Hadfield posted a second picture of his attempt to juggle six plastic eggs he brought to the space station. 

“It appears that I’m as bad at juggling in weightlessness as I am on Earth,” he wrote.