Girl Fights Back After Bully Pours Glue Into Her Hair

Girl Fights Back After Bully Pours Glue Into Her Hair
Epoch Newsroom

Hannah Combs loved her hair. Until a bully approached her from behind and poured super-glue on her head, getting it all over her hair and scalp.

“It instantly started burning,” Hannah said.

(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)
(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)

She added, “It felt like my head was on fire. It was horrible.”

The 15-year-old was treated at the nurse’s office, but no action was taken against the boy until Hannah’s irate father arrived at the school and threatened to call 911, he told KDH.
(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)
(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)

Christian Grimmer, the father, then took Hannah to a doctor, who said she suffered a first-degree chemical burn. Later that day, Hannah’s mother Jessica Grimmer took her to get her head partially shaved.

“I realized I lost my favorite thing about me. I loved my hair,” Hannah said. “My hair was the only thing I liked about myself—honestly. I lost it for no reason.”

(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)
(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)

The family is angry that school administration only gave the boy an in-school suspension. But they received some much-needed support after Jessica started a “Justice for Hannah” for her daughter.

“It makes me want to help other people,” Hannah said. “There are people who couldn’t stand up for themselves but they talk to me about it. It makes me want to help. It’s amazing how many people are supporting me.”

(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)
(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)

Through the page, local hair stylist Nikki decided to style Hannah’s hair for free.

“Today I got to do something I’m proud of. I fixed a young girls hair who had something traumatic happen to her at school. Her hair had to be shaved on one side, so I made the best of a bad situation,” Nikki said.

(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)
(Justice For Hannah/Facebook)

Hannah is embracing her new look and wants to get help for others.

“I want to make a difference. I would like people to stand up for themselves. No one deserves to be bullied—it’s not fair for anyone,” she said. “I’m just a normal kid with strong beliefs. When it comes to bullying, I stand up for people a lot because of it—but it’s worth it.