‘Handimation’ Shows Creative Potential of Google Glass (Video)

“A Handimation through Glass” is a short stop-motion film “about a surreal moment on a lazy Sunday morning.” Shot over four days, this video shows the creative side of Google Glass.
‘Handimation’ Shows Creative Potential of Google Glass (Video)
Popular YouTube video, "A Handimation through Glass," shows the creative potential of Google Glass for making short films. Screenshot via Tu Uthaisri, YouTube

“A Handimation through Glass” is a short stop-motion film “about a surreal moment on a lazy Sunday morning.” Shot over four days, this video shows the creative side of Google Glass. It was made by Tu Uthaisri, Nam Doan, Freddy Arenas, and Isam Prado, a group of filmmaker friends based in New York and is composed of more than a 1,000 photos and drawings.


For Google Glass photography tips: