GWAR Vocalist Dead at 50

GWAR Vocalist Dead at 50
David Brockie (right) and his onstage persona 'Oderus Urungus’ (left). Photo Credit:
Bianca Silva

GWAR vocalist David Brockie, better known by his stage name ‘Oderus Urungus’ was found dead at his Richmond, Virginia home Sunday evening. He was 50.

GWAR’s manager Jack Flanagan wrote on the band’s official website that:

 "It is with a saddened heart, that I confirm my dear friend Dave Brockie, artist, musician, and lead singer of GWAR passed away at approximately 6:50 PM EST Sunday March 23,2014. His body was found Sunday by his band mate at his home in Richmond, VA. Richmond authorities have confirmed his death and next of kin has been notified. A full autopsy will be performed. He was 50 years old, born August 30, 1963.

My main focus right now is to look after my band mates and his family. More information regarding his death shall be released as the details are confirmed.”

Brockie formed GWAR in 1984 as a joke side project and were best known for their elaborate, slightly grotesque antics on stage such as spraying fake blood to the audience. All band members each had their respective stage names and dressed up in costume and their lyrics touched on taboo themes.

Although they brought humor to the often-serious heavy metal, they have become one of the genre’s most respected bands over the past 25 years with the character Oderus Urungus being the only consistent member of each incarnation. 

Brockie was also an avid football fan and had a weekly football column on called “Necessary Roughness.” In September, a petition was formed to have GWAR perform at the Super Bowl where over 50,000 have signed so far. 

An autopsy will be performed though authorities suspect that there was no foul play involved in Brockie’s death.


Note: This post was meant to be up Monday Evening but couldn’t be posted due to technical difficulties. Also, one of the hyperlinks contain a September 2013 post from my previous blog Indie Pit that talks about an online petition for GWAR to perform at the Super Bowl. 

Bianca Silva has been into music from a young age. Driven by her passion for rock, she decided to turn her passion into a career. She has written for Boxx Music Magazine and had her own rocker-based blog called Indie Pit. Her love for music journalism doesn't stop her from tackling other areas such as sports, food and politics, to which she'll post here on occasion. She tweets as @binkstertweed.
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