Guide Dog Shows What She Does to Help Her Owner Through Airport Security Smoothly

Epoch Video

There is an estimated 285 million people across the world that are visually impaired, with a further 246 million classed as partially sighted, and 39 million people registered blind to date (according to The World Health Organization).

The day to day activities that somebody with full vision takes for granted, like driving a car, exploring somewhere new, or just going to their local supermarket take so much more planning for someone who is visionally impaired. In this clip the young lady in this video is heading off on vacation via airplane, and the clip shows how a task so simple to those with full sight like walking through a metal detector take planning and some extra organization.

When walking through a metal detector it’s not something that someone would spend time or effort thinking about, the most we’d have to worry about is whether or not we’d removed all the metal we were wearing like earrings and belts etc. to ensure we’re not delayed any further as border security would have to frisk us.

Especially if you are traveling from a larger airport in peak season, the queues can feel ten miles long making it feel like you’re walking to your destination rather than flying.

Going back to the video, the security officers in this clip handle the situation very well as it seems as though they’d never had to screen a person in a similar situation to this lady before. Under the instruction of this lady and her adorable dog they work together to smoothly escort her through the metal detector, the light-hearted nature of both the security officers and the woman, allowed for what would have been quite an awkward situation to be handled and resolved in a manner that suited both parties.

All custom security officers take note as you never know when someone like this lady could be flying from an airport near you.

Video Credit: Joy Ross |