“Grand Theft Auto V” footage for the PC version has apparently been leaked online amid reports of a fan petition to bring “GTA 5” reaching 650,000 signatures.
The footage was uploaded to YouTube, and the uploader claimed it was from the PC version, according to INC Gamers. The website, however, issued a warning that it could be a fake.
The video has been taken down by Rockstar after publisher Take 2 issued a copyright claim. A duplicate version was uploaded to another video-sharing website.
The Metro notes that the mouse movement on the alleged PC version footage is sketchy, and the menu option choices look suspect.
Rockstar has not confirmed a PC release date, but there has been rumors and speculation that it will be released in March.
Several days ago, a Brazilian retailer said the PC version would be released March 12, 2014.
Thiago Diniz, the top executive of Brazil’s Nuveem, told TechieNews that he doesn’t have a problem disclosing the release date.
“I see no problem talking. I think until now been confirmed. Is scheduled for March on PC, if I’m not mistaken, for the 12th,” reads a translated statement he sent to Brazilian website Codigo Fonte, according to the website.
Diniz said the PC version would be different than game’s Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 counterparts, but he didn’t elaborate.
Another rumor claimed the game will be released March 12.
“The computer version will apparently come out in the United States first on March 12, 2014,” an unnamed Amazon representative told The Sixth Axis website.
Another Amazon worker told the website: “Unfortunately we do not have an exact date for it to be in stock as of yet. You may think of to contact Rockstar for further information. We are expecting it next year by February, but no clear date is guaranteed for now.”
Several weeks ago, The International Business Times reported that a Norwegian retailer claimed the game will come out March 19. Few details were offered.
EuroGamer last year reported that the PC version could come out in the first quarter of 2014.
“[PC] gamers are preparing their systems for a strong roster of games coming this fall, including blockbuster franchises such as Call of Duty: Ghosts, Grand Theft Auto 5 and Assassin’s Creed 4,” Chris Evenden, who is Nvidia’s senior director of investor relations, was quoted as saying during a conference call in August.
Earlier this week, a Change.org petition to release GTA V on the PC hit 650,000 signatures.
The game has generated more than $1 billion in sales since it was released last year. It’s unclear if it will be released for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.