Group IDs 76 Employees CNOOC Persecuted for Faith

The Falun Dafa Association of Canada has identified 76 people persecuted by CNOOC and its subsidiaries for practicing Falun Gong.
Group IDs 76 Employees CNOOC Persecuted for Faith
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The Falun Dafa Association of Canada has identified 76 people persecuted by CNOOC and its subsidiaries for practicing Falun Gong.

The China National Offshore Oil Corporation is responsible for other abuses as well, but those individuals have not yet been identified, said Lucy Zhou, a spokesperson for the group.

Beside firing employees that practice Falun Gong or cutting their wages, the company and its subsidiaries have imprisoned employees and used company security personnel to force them into detention and brainwashing facilities, Zhou said.

The group will hold a press conference on Parliament Hill Thursday to call on the federal government to demand CNOOC guarantee to end such abuses before being allowed to take over Calgary-based oil company Nexen in a $15 billion deal now under review by Industry Canada.

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