Ever Wonder What A Big Glowing Ball Of Steel Will Melt?

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What happens when you drop a hot piece of metal into random objects? Will they blow, burn or be destroyed?

There is something strangely calming and entertaining about watching a hot piece of metal melt its a way through a block of ice. You don’t have to be a scientist to know that when a 1000 degree metal ball is placed onto an ice block, the block will immediately begin to melt. Halfway through the ice block, the water will begin to boil from the heat and help continue the melting process until the warm metal ball resides in a puddle of water.

Take that same piece of metal and drop it into a bowl of popcorn kernels and the show begins! With a burst of flame, the ball will drop to the bottom of the bowl, and when the flame finally goes out, popcorn erupts for a spectacular show.

A contender to the metal ball has been found when using water beads though. Water beads are designed to retain water and swell to 100 times their original size. When a metal ball is dropping into the water beads, you get steam. A little while longer and you get boiling water, but the water beads are still standing strong!

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