Global Q&A: ‘What do you think of the U.S. election result?’

Epoch Times staff from Australia to England discovered when they asked locals ...
Global Q&A: ‘What do you think of the U.S. election result?’
John Muller, Cotton Tree, Australia. (The EpochTimes)

People around the world expressed support for Barack Obama’s re-election as president of the United States and a chance for him to realize his policies in another term. This is what Epoch Times staff from Australia to England discovered when they asked locals:

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Mooloolaba, Australia

Earl Taylor, 58, Leadership and Communication Trainer and Coach

I’m very pleased that Barack Obama has regained the presidency of the United States. I think that when he came to power it was symbolic for the rest of the world for a whole range of reasons. A part of them, of course, that he’s African-American, a significant step; however I think that his social justice policies are something that are brave and different and even though they’ve difficulty to get through they’re quite worth pursuing because that’s the thing that sets us apart from many other nations in the world. … He’s admirable.

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New York City, USA

Derrick Conner, 38, Security Guard

Obama is doing a good job. We’ve only given him four years. We’ve got to give him a chance. I think we should give him another four years to see if he can fix the problems we are facing in the U.S. Romney only cares about the rich, so I am glad Obama is staying in office for another term.

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Lima, Peru

Martin Rios, 50, Pediatrician

On the outcome of the U.S. election, Obama’s victory seems very good, because according to what I know, he will support free trade with Latin countries and in this case with Peru. As for the other candidate, it seemed that he didn’t think so. Obama gives more importance to the Latino community of immigrants, who backed him by voting.

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Maha Sidahmed, 27, University Lecturer

I’m happy with the result. Obama was the wisest choice and I’m glad America made the right decision. With a second term, hopefully Obama can realize a lot of his promises and policies, but most importantly continue to sustain positive relations with the Middle East.

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Ystad, Sweden

Beata, Calington, 47, Nurse

I was hoping that Obama would win; otherwise, I think it would be better only for the rich people. I also think that his program is much better than the other candidates. I prefer Obama because I think he had already done a lot of great things for his country and I didn’t like the other candidate.

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Athens, Greece

Grigoris Giannopoulos, 24, Bakery Shop Owner

I’m glad for the result! It gives me hope; it is what I expected. Barack Obama will help Greece more than Mitt Romney.

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Puerto Montt, Chile

Danyales Estivals Veras Borquez, 35, Saleswoman

I think the results have gone very well. Obama has been re-elected because he is a very good person. And he has done his job very well as president of the greatest power in the world. Among the achievements he made, we can highlight the fact that many jobs were recovered, and he has brought the troops home from abroad. I wish him the best, and that he does well with the mandate he has received. Congratulations Mr. Obama.

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Michel, 54, Beekeeper

The fact that Barack Obama has won is better—it’s good news. His efforts to improve the way things are were quite important; he didn’t change his target in spite of the difficulties. Now, he'll be able to go ahead with what he started with his previous legislation. If his adversary had won, progress would have been paralyzed.

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São Paulo, Brazil

Bárbara Simioni Furtado, 21, Forestry Engineer Student

Obama is a Democrat and this is essential to promote freedom of expression. It is a breakthrough for the U.S. and the world. The development and advancement of the emerging countries will be favored too. There would be more barriers caused if a conservative party was elected.

Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question: “What is your country’s biggest contribution to the world?”

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