Get Creative With These Lovely Tablet Cases

There’s a wide range of cases out there but this one is definitely geared towards the kids, or perhaps those who want a canvas for quickly doodling ideas.
Get Creative With These Lovely Tablet Cases

There’s a wide range of cases out there but this one is definitely geared towards the kids, or perhaps those who want a canvas for quickly doodling ideas.

The tablet cover, available in 7″ (£19.99) and 10″ (£24.99) sizes lets you or your children doodle all over the front of the cover, wipe it off and then start again.


The product comes complete with water-based pens and you can start scribbling ideas on the front or draw with your child instead of them staring at the screen all day.

Both are available from but they tell us that there’s been a slight delay in the case getting to the store. Keep an eye out towards the end of the month and they'll then pop up live on the site.

Republished with permission from CoolSmartphoneRead the original. 


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