Game Review: ‘Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars’

Does this deliver the definitive Lego experience?
Game Review: ‘Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars’
Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars (LucasArts)
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars  (LucasArts)" title="Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars  (LucasArts)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-122961"/></a>
Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars  (LucasArts)
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars  (LucasArts)" title="Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars  (LucasArts)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-122962"/></a>
Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars  (LucasArts)
The latest in the Lego franchise takes its inspiration from the animated spin-off series The Clone Wars. With new gameplay features and vastly improved visuals, developer Travellers’ Tales aims to deliver the definitive Lego experience, while still keeping the traditional feel of a Lego game wholly intact. 

The story brings new and familiar faces to the table, and while you may not be acquainted with the Clone Wars series, the game does a great job of explaining the outline with its humorous cut scenes. The entire package has a new and improved aesthetic, with superior lighting and texture effects taking precedence to create a far more detailed world with greater immersive qualities than its predecessors. Sadly, frustrating camera angles return to mar the experience, and it’s a shame to see that the problem hasn’t been amended from past Lego titles.

As well as the improved presentation, LSW3 also introduces some new gameplay mechanics. New combat combos, larger scale battles and squad commands have all been implemented to present a far more diverse Lego package. The epic larger battles are particularly enjoyable, and have you traversing across the battlefield in numerous different vehicles while ordering troops to attack certain enemy buildings and structures to obtain victory. The co-op is also as easy as ever, with the drop-in/drop-out feature returning in full force.

In terms of content, this is the best Lego Star Wars game yet; however there are no major reinventions to call it a ground-breaking sequel. For those looking for a completely refreshing experience, you should look past Lego Star Wars 3, but for players looking for the loveable Lego game they know and love then this is the one you should own.

[etRating value=“ 3.5”]
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